Sunflowers grow in large crops throughout America and according to, they are heliotropic. If you dig into the depths of the word heliotropic you’ll find words with Greek derivatives, including not only sundial, but most interesting – a turn or change.

Sunflowers have a large, striking gold face with an earthy brown center full of seeds; with steady grace they track the sun throughout the day from east to west like a natural sundial, basking in rays of light until dark, when their faces return to east in preparation for the next day to do it all over again.

On occasion, when passing a field of thriving sunflowers, you may notice a rogue seed has found itself growing away from the crop; established and alone, pushing the boundaries of its own heritage, yet thriving just the same.

“Sunflowers are resilient, they don’t look for shadows, and they are bold enough to jump from the field and spread their roots in new ground. Yes!” She exclaims, “I did not see it until now, but you are definitely ready to be a sunflower.” (Indigo, assessing Jaycee in ~Finding Center~)

Although the single seed has found itself isolated from the crop, it’s not necessarily rogue. Consider this; perhaps this one single golden sundial is working to change its position under the sun to reach new levels of growth. Afterall the largest varieties can reach heights of 16 feet tall. It’s staggering to think how by leaving the confines of our designated field, we could reach new heights, offer seeds along the way, find resilience we didn’t know we had and all of this by following the same sun we’ve always cherished.

Advice from a Sunflower:

Be Outstanding In Your Field

Hold Your Head High

Spread Seeds of Happiness

Feed the Birds

Think Solar

Keep on the Sunny side

Grow Up!

(Poem author unknown)

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